1 September 2024

Blood into Wine (2010)

Blood into Wine (2010)
Dirs. Ryan Page + Christopher Pomerenke

A documentary about wine making, specifically the Caduceus brand wine produced by Maynard James Keenan and Eric Glomski on a vineyard in Arizona, of all places. I don't like wine, but I do like documentaries, so I gave it a try and enjoyed the majority of it.

Glomski's knowledge of geology and cultivation was thoroughly engaging, as were his feelings about our relationship with the natural world.

Maynard James Keenan, for those that don't recognise the name, is a singer / songwriter, most notably of Tool and A Perfect Circle. His contribution is equally as interesting, structured as a kind of creative journey with some deeply personal interludes. Not one for media-whoring, he doesn't succumb to ego, and doesn't come across as a typical 'Rock Star' asshole. [1]

On a related note, the meet-n-greet signing nonsense didn't add much that was meaningful. On the contrary, it suggested that a large percentage of wine buyers were disproportionally female and only bought the product because they were avid Maynard fans. The scenes in question were perhaps helpful to non-music fans, but will be superfluous for many others, and actually more annoying than anything else to a small few (myself included). I got the feeling that the wine-makers would prefer that the product will sell on its merits, not its association with celebrity.

Don't be put off by the two gob-shites in chairs at the film's beginning; i.e., the Focus on Interesting Things skitch. The unfunny duo resurface from time to time, alas, but there's enough good stuff outside of their verbal-diarrhoea to hold the attention of docu-fans.

[1] For the record, yes, I'm a fan of Maynard's music, albeit likely in a minority in that I prefer Tool's 10,000 Days (2006) and A Perfect Circle's Eat the Elephant (2018) to any of the albums that preceded them, but enjoyment of his music isn't a prerequisite for enjoyment of the film.

-It sure ain't Napa Valley-

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