16 June 2024

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Dir. Brian Henson

It's a suitable for all-ages adaptation of Dickens' classic novella but with Muppets. I could end the review there because it's technically correct, but the film deserves so much more than that.

There's humans, too, most notably Michal Caine, who plays the misrely Ebenezer Scrooge, a man who hates kindness and the charitable feelings that traditionally go/went hand in hand with the season. Despite being surrounded by furry puppets, Caine plays it straight, which was absolutely the correct approach. Doing it that way kept the tragedy of the character intact, which in turn helped ensure that the dramatic power of change is given its full dues.

The puppets have all the joy and exuberance they're known for, but with a masterful layer of pathos added to those that need it. If you want kids to experience the famous story but fear that other filmed adaptations may be too difficult or dreary for them, then I know of no better alternative than the Muppet version; it hits all the important notes and has heart to spare.

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